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Business Forum Portugal-Egipto

 Business Forum Portugal-Egipto

25 Set, 2022

Visita de Delegação Empresarial do Egito, 3 e 4 de outubro 2022

De 3 a 5 de outubro, Portugal recebe uma delegação empresarial do Egito, constituída por empresas de referência no mercado, com grande capacidade económica e influência política.

Para dinamizar o relacionamento económico entre os dois países, numa ótica de comércio, investimento e parcerias, a AICEP em parceria com a Embaixada do Egito em Portugal, está a organizar um programa económico, a ter lugar no dia 3 de outubro, em Lisboa.

Além do programa, existe a possibilidade de se realizarem também reuniões b2b adicionais no dia 4 outubro na AICEP em Lisboa ou nas próprias empresas.

As empresas interessadas em participar neste Business Forum devem contactar [email protected] e [email protected]

Programa: Portugal and Egypt: Partnership and Opportunity Sectors

October 3th, 2022, 10h00

Venue – Hotel Epic Sana Marquês  - Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo 8, 1069-310 Lisboa

09:30 am – 10:00 am

10:00 am – 10:20 am  
Opening Session
-    Welcome address
Francisco André, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Intervention by the Egyptian Head Delegation

10:20 am – 11.00 am
- AICEP – Why Portugal, main axes of bilateral relations, highlighting the Portuguese Direct Investment Abroad / characterization of the Portuguese business capital present in the market (sectors, valences), investment environment in Portugal.

- Mr. Moahmed Abdelwahab - The President of GAFI – Presentation of the investment climate and the sectors considered to have the greatest potential for increasing bilateral relations.

11:00 am – 11:20 am


11:20 am – 12:30 pm

Brief Presentation of the Egyptians companies    

Mr. Amr Mahfouz - The Head of Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) - IT sector.
Mr. Amr Noureldin - advisor to The President of GAFI - Climate of investment in Egypt.
Mr. Bassem Lotfy - Owner of one of the biggest shoe companies in Egypt - Leather industry in Egypt in addition to a presentation on Robbiki Leather City.
Eng. Khaled Zak i- Construction sector in Egypt).

12: 30 pm – 13:00 pm
Closing Session and final remarks
Intervention Egypt
Member of the Board of Directors of AICEP

13:00 pm - 14:00 pm
Networking lunch

14:30 pm – 18:00 pm
B2B meetings

October 4th

B2B meetings (continuation)

Lista de empresas participantes


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